Heart failure

Comparison of Machine Learning Techniques for Prediction of Hospitalization in Heart Failure Patients

Present findings suggest that MLTs may represent a promising opportunity to predict hospital admission of heart failure patients by exploiting health care information generated by the contact of such patients with the health care system.

Performance of Prognostic Heart FailureModels in Patients With NonischemicCardiomyopathy UndergoingVentricular Tachycardia Ablation

This study sought to assess the performance of established risk models in predicting outcomes after catheter ablation (CA) in patients with nonischemic dilated cardiomyopathy (NIDCM) and ventricular tachycardia (VT). We concluded that in patients with NIDCM and VT undergoing CA, the SHFM and PAINESD risk scores are powerful predictors of recurrent VT and death/transplant during follow-up, with similar performance and significantly superior to other scores. A pre-procedural calculation of the SHFM and PAINESD can be useful to predict outcomes.

Time trends in first hospitalization for heart failure in a community-based population

This study aims to assess time trends in first hospitalization for heart failure (HF) in a community-based population over the period from 1977 to 2014. The current findings showed that HF hospitalization incidence has declined over the period considered in subjects over 65 years living in a geographically defined community in Northeast Italy.